Craft Beer Kits Calgary, Alberta
Home Beer Making Kits

Village Craft Winemaker is proud to carry a wide selection of Craft Beer Kits in Calgary Alberta.  Whether your want to brew your own beer at home or Brew on Premises, we offer competitive pricing and bulk discounts on most Home Beer Making Kits! Our Central Location is minutes from most areas of the city. Save GAS and MONEY! Come and see us today!

Craft Beer Kits Calgary

VCW Home Beer Making Kits: Calgary

Village Craft Winemaker - Udo Home Beer Making Kits Calgary

U-DO Brewery Products

Hand Crafted Canadian Beer Kits

High end – High Gravity beer kits in 11 different styles – blended perfectly with Malt, Hops, Yeast, and Water with NO Additives, NO Preservatives and NO Adjuncts. Taste the U-DO difference!

Styles include:

Beer Kits yield 23L.

In Stock: The Porter, Dark Lager,  Pale Ale, Kentucky Bourbon Ale

Other styles will be ordered upon request.

U-DO Beer Kit Styles


(Hover over the products for more information)
SRM: Beer color in the US is measured by the “Standard Reference Method”
IBU: International Bitterness Unit
O.G.: Original Gravity of the unfermented wort
F.G.: Final Gravity
Alcohol: Alcohol Content.

The Lite


Color: 3-5 SRM
Bitterness: 5-10 IBU
O.G.: 1.040-1.044
Alcohol: 3.7-4.2 alc/vol
Malts: Pilsner, Wheat
Hops: Bittering – Cascade Aroma – Saaz

The Lite is a light, pale golden beer with a crisp and clean taste, offering easy drinkability and lower alcohol content. It delivers pure, refreshing flavors and aromas.

Dark Lager


Color: 17-20 SRM
Bitterness: 10-15 IBU
O.G.: 1.048-1.052
Alcohol: 5.0-5.2 alc/vol
Malts: Pilsner, Vienna, Munich, Wheat, Dark Chocolate Malt, Black malt
Hops: Bittering – Perle Aroma – Saaz

The DL features a fresh aroma of roasted chocolate and coffee, paired with a light, clean, and flavorful body. It strikes a well-balanced profile with a crisp and refreshing aftertaste.

Euro Pilsner


Color: 2-4 SRM
Bitterness: 28-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.053-1.057
Alcohol: 5.2-5.7 alc/vol
Malts: Pilsner Malt
Hops: Bittering – Hallertau, Tettnang Aroma – Tettnang, Hallertau

Euro Pilsner: showcases a malt-forward flavor with a hint of sweetness, harmoniously balanced by a smooth hop profile. This is complemented by a fresh, spicy, and floral hop aroma.

Honeybee Ale


Color: 10-12 SRM
Bitterness: 28-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.048-1.052
Alcohol: 5.0-5.2 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Honey
Hops: Bittering – Hallertau, Centennial Aroma – Hallertau
Necessary: Clover Honey

Honeybee Ale: this Ale is delightfully easy to drink, offering a robust and refreshing malt base that is enhanced by subtle notes of honey and a “citrusy” hop finish.

The True Lager


Color: 4-6 SRM
Bitterness: 8-15 IBU
O.G.: 1.048-1.052
Alcohol: 5.0-5.2 alc/vol
Malts: Pilsner, Pale, Vienna, Wheat
Hops: Bittering – Saaz Aroma – Cascade

True Lager: combines Pilsner, Vienna, and Wheat malts for a light, clean, and quenching taste. Balanced with Perle and Saaz hops, it offers a complex, spicy, fruity, and floral bouquet.

Seven Days IPA


Color: 7-10 SRM
Bitterness: 65-70 IBU
O.G.: 1.070-1.075
Alcohol: 7.0-7.5 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Munich 10L, Carapils, Crystal 60L, Vienna
Hops: Bittering – Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe Aroma – Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial

Seven Days IPA: combines Pilsner, Vienna, and Wheat malts for a light, clean, and quenching taste. Balanced with Perle and Saaz hops, it offers a complex, spicy, fruity, and floral bouquet.

Pale Ale


Color: 12-15 SRM
Bitterness: 30-35 IBU
0.G.: 1.050-1.055
Alcohol: 5.0-5.2 alc/vol
Malts: Pale Ale, Crystal/Caramel 60L, Vienna, Wheat, Munich 10L, Carapils
Hops: Bittering – Cascade, Amarillo Aroma – Cascade

Pale Ale: With 7.1% alc/vol and over 65 IBUs, this beer is robust, dark, and golden. It’s suitably hoppy, providing a well-balanced taste that is refreshing and rich with citrus flavours.

The Porter


Color: 17-20 SRM
Bitterness: 25-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 120L, Munich 10L, Chocolate, Black
Hops: Bittering – Northern Brewer Aroma – Saaz, Hallertau

The Porter: This dark, malty ale teases your palette with caramel and toasted grain bread nuances – while offering a smooth chocolate, caramel and roasted flavourings experience.

Corodelo Cerveza


Color: 3-5 SRM
Bitterness: 8-10 IBU
O.G.: 1.044-1.046
Alcohol: 4.4-4.7 alc/vol
Malts: Adjunct, Pale, Flaked Maize
Hops: Bittering – Galena Aroma – Galena

Corodelo Cerveza: features lively carbonation and a clean taste, complete with a hint of sweetness and a crisp, refreshing finish. Its lower alcohol allows you to enjoy more than one serving.

Red Ale


Color: 10-14 SRM
Bitterness: 25-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 60, Pilsner, Crystal 120, Wheat, Dark Chocolate
Hops: Bittering – Amarillo, Centennial, Cascade
Aroma – Amarillo, Centennial, Cascade

Red Ale: This malt-forward beer showcases a medium hop profile, enriched with caramel notes and a coffee-like bitterness in the finish, derived from chocolate and roasted barley.



Color: 10-13 SRM
Bitterness: 10-12 IBU
O.G.: 1.050-1.055
Alcohol: 5.0-5.5 alc/vol
Malts: Wheat, Pilsner
Hops: Bittering – Tettnang Aroma – Tettnang

The Hefeweizen: a traditional Bavarian wheat beer, is known for its signature clove and banana flavor. With low hopping, its grainy, bready wheat and Pilsner malt flavors are prominent.

Seasonal Ales

Irish Red Kentucky Honey Bourbon Ale


Color: 15-18 SRM
Bitterness: 35-40 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5 - 6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 60, Pilsner, Crystal 120, Wheat, Dark Chocolate Hops: Bittering – Amarillo, Centennial, Hallertau, Cascade Aroma – Amarillo, Centennial

The Oktoberfest


Color: 10-15 SRM
Bitterness: 20-24 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pilsner, Munich 10L, Vienna, Carapils, ESB Pale Malt
Hops: Bittering – Hallertaue, Tettnang Aroma – Hallertau, Saaz

Butter Rum Winter Warmer Porter


Color: 17-20 SRM
Bitterness: 25-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 120L, Munich10L, ESB, Chocolate, Wheat, Black
Hops: Saaz, Hallertau
Other: Brown cane sugar, Butter, Rum, Spices, Lemon zest, Vanilla bean

The Porter


Color: 17-20 SRM
Bitterness: 25-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 120L, Munich 10L, Chocolate, Black
Hops: Bittering – Northern Brewer Aroma – Saaz, Hallertau

The Porter


Color: 17-20 SRM
Bitterness: 25-30 IBU
O.G.: 1.055-1.060
Alcohol: 5.5-6.0 alc/vol
Malts: Pale, Crystal 120L, Munich 10L, Chocolate, Black
Hops: Bittering – Northern Brewer Aroma – Saaz, Hallertau
UDO Beer - Many Styles to Choose From

Starting at $84.99/Kit (no  tax)

* Kits Yield 23 Litres

Take the Kits Home OR We can Brew on Premise for you with the Beer UWinemaker.
Order your Kit(s) Today.

Boite Micro Brew Kits

Craft Beer Kits Calgary

For nearly 6 years, fans of microbrewery-type beers have been using the best brewing kits available in Canada. Micro-brew has carved out a first place for itself thanks to the quality of its products. Kits contain 23 liters of premium fresh beer wort with yeast paired with the types of beer brewed. You can choose from twelve kinds of beer. Imported from Quebec. Reputation for Quality and Preferred Over other Similar Kits

Styles include:

Village Craft Winemaker - Micro Brew

Starting at
$89.99/Kit (no  tax)

* Kits Yield 23 Litres

Our Guarantee

Village Craft Winemaker Vertical Logo

100% satisfaction guarantee of your Beer Kit purchase or your Brew on Premise Beer. (Some Conditions apply)

(Please keep the sticker from the top of your beer Box – if issues occur)

Stop by to check out our selection of Wine Kits and Beer Making Kits and to get some inspiration from our Onsite Sommelier on customizing your batches.

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